Your death_lethality_jaghm – whale spine – ✍️Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr See More

*The Sudanese people were filled with a vile vocabulary steeped in decadence during the period of hate speech that preceded the outbreak of the war, where a group of angry people injected into the minds of the youth a vocabulary that made the distance between the Sudanese people and their heritage. for which they were known, as the distance between heaven and the nearest earth, and there was a gap between age groups and the streets were dominated by those with flat pants, messy hair and degraded morals. was non-existent, the theory of accepting the other and listening to the opinions and views of the other was destroyed, and only one law appeared: (He who is not with us is against us), and against them one must be a coward, an infiltrator, and the remnants who must be. He is not respected, even if he is a relative, and the social bond between the components of the Sudanese people has been broken until reaching the great catastrophe of the internal war that has put the entire Sudanese people below the threshold of poverty, deprivation, asylum and displacement, and Sudanese blood has become the cheapest blood, and burial after murder or death has become a kind of luxury*.

*The ears of the authentic Sudanese people were not accustomed to listening to the friend of Ahmed Hamdoun and the studies of Professor Abdullah Al-Tayeb, and they followed Lisan Al-Arab and Fursan on the field, and listened to the program of the World of Sports, and I liked Al-Hilal and I liked Al-Merreikh, and I sang in Al-Mawradah, and I sang with Wardi Al-Tair Al-Migrating by Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, and I listened to the praises in the voice of Abdul-Aziz Muhammad Daoud and Awlad. Hajj Al-Mahi and Sheikh Al-Borai, and I sang the songs of the bag, and I sang with Othman Hussein his masterpiece, Shajan, Me, Night and Evening, and they listened to what Abu Amna Hamid said when he said: “Gold flowed from her hair,” and Salah bin Al-Badia repeated it in his melodious voice. They went beyond the stage of listening and hearing, then appreciated folk art, loved radio and television, and sang with Umm Kulthum and Al-Hadi Adam, “Tomorrow I will meet you,” and their ears filled with the hymns of Al-Kabli, “Asia and Africa,” by Al-Hussein Al-Hasan*.

*The hatred that entered the homes turned all this beauty into ugliness and turned familiarity and love into hatred, and it became a constant in our relationships with the speech of: “Because we trample, trample, it's okay, it's okay, we don't have an army.” The vocabulary that is difficult for the ear to hear was introduced and became one of the vocabularies that even girls repeat without shame, and we became We reluctantly listen to words that almost cause nausea and vomiting for those with a good conscience. , such as “Bal, your death”, “Jam”, “Falnaqay” and even “death”. We have become a kind of personal entertainment, and we begin to wonder about the number of people attacked, and we grow up. and applaud with joy every time the number of people attacked increases and the Sudanese street turns into a strange street, the language of Gharib, the Diyar Gharib people, especially after the increase in displacement and asylum rates, and there has been a real demographic change during this period of war, and trust has been lost, and the situation has hit rock bottom. We, as the Sudanese people, were destined for war, and this is our hatred, and our inability to stop it, and our inability to find a formula that preserves our blood, our honor, and our honor, and our inability to resolve the war at least at present and we are waiting for external solutions*.

* Fertility died in the wombs of our wives. Marriages were postponed. Dreams died in the eyes of lovers. Families were separated between countries. The common denominator between them became a wish that might be difficult to achieve in the near future. for families to reunite in their homes from which they left, forced and forced, the dream of lovers became to reunite to complete the dream, the joy and entry into a legal home that they had promised, until the bodies of. virgins would be perfumed with the smell of acacia, straw and wine, and their hands would be adorned with henna dye, and howls of joy would rise in the sad houses. Until then, the series of simplistic deaths and blood would flow as long as possible. there is no definitive will to stop the war*.

Half a fork

* If there is a people who are unaware of the blessing in which they lived before the war, death and displacement, it is the Sudanese people, and now, after the devastation of Khartoum, its burning and the destruction of Soba, the souls have I began to hesitate in sorrow and say: I wish, I wish*.

A quarter of a fork

*In the meantime, drink the bitterness of displacement, refuge and suffering until you come to your senses*.

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