Zakat Office in Shindi Launches Eid Al-Adha Programs ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

In the midst of a qualitative presence, the head and members of the security committee of the locality of Shendi, the director of the Social Protection Department, a number of sheikhs of Al-Khalawi and leaders of unions of people with special needs witnessed testimony.

The Zakat office in Bashandi locality launched Eid al-Adha programs at a cost of 45 million 800 thousand pounds. Support included support for the war effort, support for accommodation centers for expatriates, support for outposts, defenses, hospitals and inmates in prisons. and cells, people with special needs, poor families, families of martyrs and those injured in operations.

For his part, the Executive Director of Shendi locality, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, congratulated the Zakat office, which continued to support social work through Zakat banks.

Who contributed to social stability through numerous services that he continued to provide in all the areas he targeted.

Head of the Operations Division of the 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, Colonel Jibril Awad Mudawi, emphasized that the Zakat Office did not miss a day before the war and during the war. He remained supportive of the war effort and equipped a room for fifty people. beds with all their provisions, in addition to more than 60 bags for the injured, including personal supplies, in addition to several cans of water.

In the same context, the Director of the Zakat Office in Shindi, Mr. Ayoub Ahmed Abdel Majid, confirmed that the Office implemented these programs on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al -Adha, in addition to the program for the holy month of Ramadan.

Ayoub stressed that the cost of these programs increases every year by doubling compared to the previous year, but the office is keen to implement them in the service of society, especially in light of the security and economic conditions that the country is experiencing. .

Meanwhile, Sheikh Qamar Al-Din Ibrahim, Sheikh of Khalawi Al-Qulayat, confirmed that the Zakat office in Shindi remains supportive of Al-Khalawi and keen to support him in fulfilling his mission of memorizing the Holy Quran.

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