Zakat office in Shindi makes people with special needs happy – Awafi – Salah Ahmudi

The Zakat office of Shindi locality continues to support people with special needs. Financially and morally in their community activities and open days which include expatriates and residents of Shendi.

🟢 Mr. Ayoub Ahmed Abdel Majid, Director of the Zakat Office, personally monitored all the activities of the unions of needy people and always told them that what the Office offers is a right and does not come from anyone, and he insists that the funding support be issued without a photograph, which confirms that the Office supports the weak and the poor in secret.

🟢 Professor Ayoub announced the support of these groups on a monthly basis by 60 people from the Union of the Blind and Physically Handicapped and 20 people from the Union of the Deaf and Mute on a monthly basis until the end of the year. will have covered all people with special needs, arrivals and residents.

Goodbye again

🟢 I have witnessed and been a follower of the joy and delight that has appeared on the faces of those he has supported and those awaiting support in the months to come.

🟢 Greetings to the Zakat Office from its General Manager and all its employees for the material and moral support they have provided to all those in need in the locality.

🟢 Greetings to the leadership of the Union, headed by Tariq Abdel Hafeez, and to the friends of people with special needs, especially the blind.

Who continued to support and help the blind in their travels and rest.

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