Zero Cost of War ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The decision to declare war is one of the country's most crucial decisions. It cannot be taken hastily and without careful consideration.

When considering going to war, it is necessary to know the economic, diplomatic and logistical capabilities of the country, in addition to knowing how to prepare the morale of the combatants.

The unification of the home front is one of the most important elements of war. It is not possible to wage war as long as the home front is disintegrated and collapsed.

Prepare for worst-case scenarios and possibilities, including the prolongation of war and the multiplicity of its types, forms and tactics.

Prepare regional and international alliances with the aim of mobilizing support, assistance and assistance in various areas of combat in order to ensure victory.

The cost of a zero-sum war is extremely high, as it creates sectarian, tribal and regional discord between enemies, thereby saving effort, money and weapons.

Sudden changes occur on the battlefield because war is a trick. In the past, wars took traditional and routine forms, but today the situation is completely different.

Psychological warfare between enemies is a deadly and destructive weapon, but it requires specialized experts prepared before the war begins and tasked with drawing up the road map for the war.

The Media The media is the weapon that decides and tips the balance of wars, because it is an effective and influential weapon that determines both the signs of victory and defeat.

Economic warfare is one of the most dangerous types of warfare. Therefore, all necessary precautions must be taken to close the economic gap so that the enemy does not penetrate it.

Continuously enlightening people about the course of the war and giving them ownership of abstract facts, through honest and rational media doses through which they take into account their psychological state and their degree of acceptance of these doses which are made available to them in stages.

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