Zero negotiation! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The term negotiations seems to have been erased from the dictionary of Sudanese leaders. All evidence shows that the international community has failed in this matter, which can be said to be part of this crisis, especially the African entities. adopt the behavior of (polytheism and nepotism)!!

When you want to negotiate with a party, negotiate with a party that controls its membership, but it has become clear that the leadership is completely convinced that there is not a single party that controls its membership that can sit with them. The militia lost its sense of organization and control. The influential internal elements within it have perished, and those remaining have disowned and (rebelled). The militia has become dependent on mercenaries and members who were recently absorbed, and this is the case. do not have the characteristic of (fighting stupidity), but their goal is (transparency) and to obtain new loot every day.

The tanbara and shayalists who applaud the countries that now give them money are ridiculous. Every time they sing, they sing (with) in a hoarse voice with (sharakah)!! This appears every time and (the time difference)! And shared dances outside the ring. Every day you find them in the capital, and all they do… is Hajja's water wheel being pulled out of the sea and lowered into it!

The main hypothesis is that the armed forces, in recent days, violently attacked militia gatherings in various regions, in a rapid and significant change on the battlefield, causing massive losses in human lives, equipment and logistical material , and with extreme consequences. precision other than before, and it seems that the coming days will be more violent for the militias.

From my platform I look… where I see… The trading counter has been completely reset, in fact it has been removed from where it is until it reaches a size of large zero. I warned those who were overwhelmed by the winding curve and did not heed my advice, so what. it has happened, it has happened and every oppressor will come to an end!

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