⭕New Trend… Exclusive coverage of the latest Sudanese events, Friday May 10, 2024

🔴Militia flags indicate that the militia has taken control of the Al-Faw garrison

Sources on the ground deny the withdrawal of the Al-Faw mobile and explain that it carries out all its tasks, including civilian life

🔴Media cover-up and concealment of communication networks on the island and village of (Anjado Al-Halaween)… The militias stormed it with 40 combat vehicles and carried out looting as usual, thefts and threats of death or kidnapping. gold and vehicles (stealing what he needs and burning what he doesn't)…

🔴Citizens of Saliha Omdurman report that fighter jets bombed sites east of their presence yesterday Thursday.

🔴Renewal of clashes between the army and rebel militias on the outskirts of the city of El Fasher

🔴Communication networks fluctuate in many areas, total blackout in El Fasher and Zain network outage in West Kordofan, Kassala and Omdurman.

🔴A citizen was killed in the Al-Wahah neighborhood of Al-Hasahissa following the militias' assault on his house with the aim of looting it.

🔴Sudanese refugee sit-in in Ethiopia continues for second week, sparking Ethiopian and international concern.

🔴Khartoum governor says security cell will deter criminals.

🔰Musician: Muhammad Al-Amin 🔰

. Continue covering the art giant

Professor Muhammad Al-Amin is considered the first to sing for the October Revolution. A month after the revolution, Professor Fadlallah Muhammad composed it for him, which he wrote in prison, and it is the anthem of October 21…

Then he also participated in an epic operetta, The Story of a Revolution, written by Hashem Siddiq, with the participation of artists Khalil Ismail, Othman Mustafa and Kordofan artist Umm Balina al-Senussi. al-Azhari and Mr. Muhammad Ahmed al-Mahjoub in 1966.

What some people don't know is that Abu Al-Amin was arrested after Hashim Al-Atta's failed coup, but the reason is because of the October songs she sings .

– According to Al-Qaddal, at that time, Wardi met Abu Al-Lamin in Kober prison, and they were singing inside the prison, and with the power of these voices, the sides of the prison shook and s even extended outside the prison. walls, so passersby could stand and listen to them while they were behind bars.

#Shares from musician Muhammad Al-Amin.

-The first cultural festival in Algeria

-International Youth Festival in Moscow

-Fun Music Festival in the Netherlands

-And his participation in China with Chinese musicians

-Al-Nilein University awarded him an honorary doctorate

The Presidency of the Republic awarded him the Medal of Merit in 2014

Its last foreign participation was in Riyadh under the title Sudan of Love.

# Fadlallah Muhammad is considered one of the most sung poets and they formed a wonderful duo…

And Ishaq Al-Halnaqi… also sang for him a meeting and an alliance, and the promise of Al-Nawar, which you will learn of the days…

⭕We will discuss other poets later…

Four years of experience and more

I love festivals and holidays…

The desires of my heart, Rayad

Emotions that have dimensions… (Fadlallah Muhammad)

✍️To be continued…tomorrow..

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