Design of consistency and hearts – track

My brother, to deceive us with his decoration
And that the strong and determined of us
We mentioned that you and the old era are documented
And our date is to meet you standing
Seifana is no longer for his booty and our feet have not rested and the lists
And our brothers in all aspects are a fatwa
If they grow up to attack
Today, Ola, enlargement and applause for all Sudanese, while he receives human beings of victory for the armed forces in al-Fasher, Bahri and the seat on the general command and the refinery of the frozen, and we tell the martyr Ali Abdel Fattah and his honorable martyrs who raised the banner of enlargement and victory and did not fall. , Repunction of Emirates, Daguwa, and a major defeat of history, history and their disciples.
* The victories and human beings are successive, and the structures and mothers will be satisfied with the victory and the testimony of those who were chosen by God in his neighborhood, joyful and excluded, and raising the fullness of the beloved Mustafa , may God bless him and bless him and bless him and bless him and bless him grant him peace, and quite
* Brigadier Nabil Abdullah, spokesperson for the armed forces, believed when he was strongly denounced to the Al -Hadath chain and said: we are an army of a hundred years and thus confirming the depth of the combat experience, the Competence of war tactics, leadership and army leadership for battles with great precision, a patriotism which is unrivaled and a awakened spirit and has made that the rapid support forces are fighting, the massacres and the meals oblige Their command, leadership, leadership and Will's stoves, after being forced, outdated, stolen, raped, looted and fled now
* The mourning people who lie to defenders of change, because the Sudanese people always call them, drought and suppressed them when they said, do not trust the army and tried to weaken it and Defeat morally and Nile, but now the army has proven to people he comes from him and with him and him as Sudan has always sang (one of the people) and the base of the earth that was stained With the blood of the Mahdi and the living and Ali Abd al -Latif and Abdul -fadil al -Maz, Dahbahba and others who wrote the glorious story of Sudan, and the people of Sudan did not withdraw them, and they have continued walking, and they sang
The world is able to challenge and solve this problem to defend the fatherland, its acquisition and its national security, and it is the one that leads our new Sudan with value, bridge and dignity
Today, we raise the banner of our independence and history is the birth of our people
My brothers, they sang for us
They sang for us
* The greeting to the armed forces and its commander Al -Hamam and to all those who brought weapons to the rebels and the greeting to the enlightened, the glow, the burlan, the joint forces and the combatants of the Darfour house, Du Darfour, following has proven that women are the sisters of men and that they are the granddaughters
And victory is inevitably, even if the disbelievers are hated
As long as you
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