The call to free patriots is that the share is a homeland ✍️ Professor Fikri Kabashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The call to free patriots is that the share is a homeland:
Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi.
The homeland represents the common denominator among all components of the Sudanese society, and there must be a consensus to preserve its unity and shed the blood of all its people with their various intellectual orientations, affiliations, ethnicities and geographical regions… But the acceleration of events and their unfolding have shown that the homeland was prey to adversity, disputes were multiplying, wounds were thicker, and the rope was mixed with arrows after the outbreak of this war. The cursed nation, which has entered its fourteenth month, and the moral, academic and professional duty after being exposed to the tragedies, lost lives, spilled blood, violated honors and lost property, all this requires a reassessment of things and looking from a national perspective to diagnose the situation, surpass oneself and achieve the victory of the homeland … and this is the key to the horse … and it is necessary The active forces of the Sudanese society work together in the civil and military components I believe that there are many effective, professionally and morally qualified political forces in Sudan who have abandoned their political affiliations and continue to remain on the sidewalks while the country desperately needs their participation in building a modern state. It is extremely important that they achieve a national consensus on the urgent issues of maintaining security and stability through the return of those fleeing the hell of the cursed war, as well as providing decent means of living, achieving democratic transformation with the participation of all active forces of society, and preserving the unity of the country… represents the most important priority, and it is by preserving the unity and nationalism of the state that has become in The peak of fragility cannot withstand any violent shock, given the external aggressions.
Prof. Dr. Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi