The Sudanese Armed Forces are a single-entity military system ✍️ Mawahib Bakadi

This is the Sudanese Armed Forces, this unbeatable force and this invincible army. Yes, it is an army that is celebrating its 70th anniversary, but it is older than that.
All human and human qualities and high morality were associated with him.
I am at a loss for words as I read through his fragrant biography, and how proud I am when I talk about him, I thank God for the blessing of belonging to this military system with a single entity, I am not exaggerating in my speech, as the picture tells the story and the people are standing. Your position, our army, is very high
Who among us has not seen the extent of the fighting and the bravery of the Sudanese Armed Forces as they fought the battle of pride and dignity? Fighting those who defend the honor and honor of their home and never looking back. The intention was sincere and sharing was a homeland. There is no third option. As for victory or death with honor, yes, it is an honor that is added to the honor of belonging to the Sudanese Armed Forces and the honor of martyrdom for the sake of God and the nation and joining the ranks of the honorable.