The role of youth in post-war Sudan – whispered letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

Praise God, it is good to see the army, with its broad name, which includes all the regular forces and those mobilized from the Popular Resistance Forces, arriving, circulating and moving more efficiently on several axes, and benefiting from it tangible. progress, thus restoring our dignity which was stolen from us under the shoes of those who wore… The Kadmul and their supporters, who killed, pillaged and raped in the name of democracy and civilization, and in the reality of this challenge and insistence on making progress, which has resulted in the magnitude of loss and damage represented by the impoverishment of the Sudanese people, and this reflects the magnitude of the enormous sacrifices and enormous efforts that our soldiers, with their different names, have deployed to restore our dignity and free us morally from the trauma that happened to us, because moral liberation is more important for us than material liberation, by opening to people who have accomplished this area the door of hope in the achievement of the desired goals, God willing, and These victories won by the Sudanese people represent the extent of despair and frustration that the hearts of the betrayed and enemies of the homeland, at home and abroad, do not can contain. We must therefore provide sufficient support and solidarity. the army at this stage, while showing it clearly and clearly, because in this way, will strengthen the confidence of the people and raise the morale of the fighters, because all these victories on the axes of Khartoum have contributed to raising the patriotic spirit among all citizens, thus reflecting abroad the strongest message about the strength and determination of the Sudanese people.
Therefore, standing with the army in all its situations, whether victorious or defeated, is a sacred national duty, and there is no doubt about it, and this standing alongside our armed forces reinforces the aspect morale and expresses highlighting the true fuel that leads to victory and that leads to increasing challenge. It reflects the unity of the people and their loyalty to their homeland, and forces the enemies of the people who are hiding under a false political cover to wake up from their sleep and to deep firmness, especially since they used a huge media machine to implant a distorted mental image of this war based on false information, with which they deluded themselves in front of those targeted by this propaganda. It's because they didn't think these people had lived. the bitterness of this war in all its smallest details. It was not told to them in the form of a story, nor in a TV movie. It was a lived reality, and that is why it is necessary for them to understand it. We know the greatness of this people and the extent of their strength and determination which expelled those who fought in their name and which is supported by the youth sectors of popular resistance. This is why it is imperative that we stand together with our forces. , especially in these difficult times, because the army in these circumstances needs our strong moral support and the necessary encouragement.
In any case, we must emphasize the importance of firmness and cohesion, because it is the real motivation that strengthens the national spirit and increases the determination of the armed forces. The will of the people will inevitably triumph, and that victory is imminent. this issue can only be achieved with the direct support of all, and that is why we must accomplish these sacrifices made by our army, whether it is in positions of strength and progress, or in positions where it makes facing difficulties and challenges.
Likewise, young people must preserve what they have given, devoting their lives to supporting the country. They are the driving force behind any victory won on the field. They are undoubtedly the real heroes, who deserve all our appreciation and respect, and that is why. we must crown their efforts with practical appreciation by strengthening their participation in building the future.
Crowning their efforts does not only mean recognizing their sacrifices on the battlefields, but rather providing them with opportunities in the political, social and economic fields, so that they can play an effective role in the process of change and achieve positive progress. in all areas. .
We must ensure that their voices are heard and that they are given the spaces to realize their visions and ambitions, so that they can be the leaders of tomorrow who will help build their countries.
There is no doubt that the youth are the soldiers of liberation, the symbol of change and the breeders of the pride of Sudan, and that their role in the next stage is no less important than the one they play today. today, and for this reason, they must be at the heart of the process of change by investing their energies and their ideas, because they are the engine of the entire Society towards a better future.
It is certain that this conceptual change for post-war Sudan requires a clear vision and a strong will, and this can only be achieved by the youth, both female and male, because they are the most capable of leading this process, and it must adopt the spirit of initiative in the near future and participate. He has been very active in the political dialogue that shapes the current political scene and decision-making frameworks in the country. This youth experiment was successfully led by His Excellency Mr. Abdeen Awadallah, Governor of the Northern State. We note that he wanted to strengthen the effective participation of young people in his government. The Northern government was a young and agile government led by the most distinguished young people of both sexes, and its results will bear fruit. In the near future, God willing, we hope that this experience will be generalized throughout Sudan, because youth is the strategic resource through which all popular aspirations can be realized and a fairer and more prosperous society can be built .
Once the war is over and a complete victory is achieved, and this will be achieved in the near future, God willing, we must avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, especially with regard to the recycling of political waste which has proven their failure and continue to constitute a heavy burden for Sudan. They always call on foreigners to put more pressure on our country, and we are used to what is happening to us now in terms of intersections that have prolonged the duration of the war, and for this reason the people. must be fully aware of the importance of building a new political system that depends on the competence of young people who like to spread the culture of peace and reject hate speech and approve the principle of transparency and accountability, and this is for this reason we find the beauty of Sudan because of the beauty of the multiplicity of cultural and societal heritages which form a vividly colored picture.
And God is behind the intention