Al-Haganah writes a new epic in the battles of Al-Obeid, Abu Jubaiha and Tandalti or Umm Rawaba – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

A new lesson of redemption and sacrifice, and a new chapter of legendary steadfastness
A legendary day in the history of the valiant Hagganna, a day when our heroes wrote a new lesson of redemption and sacrifice, and opened a new chapter of legendary steadfastness that adds to the series of 65 decisive battles during from which the Hagganna has lost nothing. .
In the axes of Al-Obeid, Abu Jubaiha, Tandelti or Rawaba, the fires of heroism were rekindled and the voices of victory rang out loud, shaking the foundations of the rebel militias and warning them of a new dark day .
On this glorious day, the heroes of Al-Haganah achieved a great feat that no one expected except their faithful hearts and firm determination. They achieved all their objectives and expelled the rebel militias. They pressed the noose against them from all directions. and they were about to secure Al-Obeid Airport, this dream that terrifies the rebel militias and those behind this project in international evil circles.
They know very well that exploiting El Obeid airport means practically slaughtering the rebel gangs of Greater Kordofan, central Sudan and its western borders, and that this will be the final blow that will end their malicious dreams and bury their dark hopes.
But the path to victory was not paved with roses, but rather strewn with the blood of the martyrs, the wounded and the missing.
As the people of Sudan in general and the people of North Kordofan in particular bid farewell with patience and hope to a good group of martyrs and wounded fallen in today's fighting, their blood, God willing, will be an increase for their nation in its sacred battle against the rebel militias and their packs of traitors, agents and weak souls.
The leaders of the rebel militias will mourn for a long time over the heavy losses of their officers killed today, because they thought that fighting the Sudanese army was a joy, so they started dragging the tails of shame and defeat again.
They will find the heroes of the Haggana with the same courage, the same bravery and the same confrontation. These are the men who valiantly fought 65 battles against the Janjaweed militias, during which they tasted the bastards of rebellion with different types of combat and the flames of the Haggana. their arrows which do not disappoint.
God's victory and conquest are near thanks to the sacrifices of our courageous heroes, and we will continue to advance with firm steps towards final victory and the elimination of the evil forces that threaten our security and stability.
May the heroes of the Haggana be congratulated for this great achievement and may Sudan live free, strong and united.
The flame of heroism in the hearts of our heroes will not be extinguished and we will continue to fight tirelessly until we free every inch of our beloved land from the filth of betrayal and betrayal .
We salute the souls of our righteous martyrs and affirm our commitment to follow their path to final victory.
Together towards a new Sudan, a free Sudan, a united Sudan!
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