Do you believe Khawaja? – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

There are international regulations that regulate the work of organizations operating in the countries, namely that the organization must contribute to the development projects of the state and then provide services to the host community, and finally the fundamental objective for which it was created, by virtue of its name and objective We do not deny that some organizations working for refugees, especially in the state of Gedaref, have implemented service projects, but they are very few in number in relation to the amount of support provided to them by the state and the host community.
The meeting that took place yesterday between the governor of Gedaref State and the head of the Sudan High Commission for Refugee Affairs (Khawaja) (Christine) in the presence of members of his government, during which the governor presented clear words and urgent needs that the state needs. He was clear and firm in his speech, and even spelled out some of the urgent requirements he needs for displaced people and other urgent service needs that need to be provided by UNHCR.
What I like about Gedaref's governor is that he speaks loudly and sets the launch angle of his goal precisely and doesn't look back or turn around. He clarified that Al-Khawaja must provide services to citizens in accordance with the tasks assigned to it. the Commission towards them, he instead repeated the expression “provide assistance” and more than one word urgent. Perhaps his speech was organized and clear and understood completely by the commissioner, who is proud of his mandate and seeks to do so. provide urgent services to its citizens, even if it is in Thuraya or inland (the cow's chin)!!
During the meeting, I want to clarify that Al-Khawajia's entire response was… that her organization's primary mission is to take care of refugees, but that it will work with other organizations to provide aid to displaced people in the state and to provide other services, including education, health and water, and she augmented the phrase “endeavour”, which we heard a lot ( organizationally)!
I expected, from Al-Khawaja's speech, that she would commit to carrying out the projects that she had arranged according to (the theory of “hold and cut for yourself”) and that she had decided, before to meet the governor, to present them to him. and receive applause from the audience, but she didn't do it…. His speech was intended for organizational consumption!! A report was submitted that she met with the highest state authority during her visit, which can be summarized as follows: (That's not what they say, but I got to know you)!
From my platform I look… where I see… The organizations operating in this country, some of them have presented projects, and the vast majority of them have not benefited from either the State or the State in which they work, with the exception of banners and all-terrain vehicles. I hope Al-Khawajia will strive to achieve this. , as I mentioned, to provide the services to the people of Gedaref as promised and this will not be the case…. As Arqoub said when he promised, and beware of Al-Barkawi!!
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