Halfa Executive Director Meets Arqin Crossing Director, Determines Causes of Fire, Controls Level Crossing Workers

The Executive Director of Halfa Locality, Mr. Abu Ubaida Mirghani Burhan, met with the Director of Arqin Land Crossing, Dean of Maash Atef Hamid Ahmed, in his office this morning.
The meeting took place against the backdrop of a fire that broke out yesterday near the Arqin land border post between Sudan and Egypt, in order to determine the causes and effects of the fire and reassure border post workers.
The director of the Erqin land crossing, Brigadier General Maash Atef Hamid Ahmed, told the “Official Spokesperson's Platform” that the accident site is about 300 meters outside the crossing, on the southeast side of the passage.
He added that the fire broke out in an old, decommissioned passenger bus and spread to the slum due to the air.
Note that the area where the fire broke out was a barracks made of cardboard and straw.
Revealing that the accident resulted in material losses and no casualties.
Stressing that work is currently underway to determine material losses and determine the causes of the accident.
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