I must say the proverb: “If a tree is shaken, oh my husband, oh my trash” – Truth be told – ✍️ Howaida Muhammad Ahmed (Farwa)

Because the governor's tree was destroyed, I think it's the product of a flame not working. We have been waiting for more than a year for this governor to make a decision considered to be in the interest of the citizen. Roads to and from the state were closed. Entire villages have been displaced because of the war. Localities were lost and emerged from state control. The localities triumphed and repelled the attack of the rapid support forces.
…The Daling… and the Abbasiya… are examples. We heard neither condemnation nor praise for this whole movement, rather we followed the governor's opening of the sports tournament in the neighborhoods and the distribution of prizes. chess games, until one thinks that the State of Southern Kordofan is located on islands isolated from the movement taking place in the country of origin.
###…Let us ask ourselves what is more important at this point, opening roads to lift the siege and allow the movement of necessary goods??? And striving to answer service questions and people's concerns, or striving to fill constitutional seats to fulfill the labor agreement, as they say????
Did the agreement stop only at the appointment of ministers, or are there other rights that concern the citizens of the state???
This is based on the saying of the proverb ((She was overcome by the discipline of her house, but she went to discipline her neighbor's house.))
Is this reasonable 🤔🤔🤔 People of the state in general and people of Kadugli in particular, we are waiting for a whole year in which none of us will be able to travel to and from the state, so that everyone will be surprised. ..with additional financial burdens for the public treasury, and everyone is waiting for water and electricity. Rather, it would have been better to use these additional financial burdens to improve the working environment in the provision of water to the General Secretariat. to revive the city, there is an alternative to the use of buckets and jugs… the office of the Secretary General of the Government is an example… and to operate the electrical pipes of the General Secretariat or to introduce the solar energy instead of opening the windows so the governor can sit at his desk. By God, it is a disaster and a test for the people of the General Secretariat of State: we do not cry about the condition of the employees because their condition is the condition of the citizens, but we. cry about the state of the country and what public facilities have become because of indifference… Where is the condition you inherited??? Where is the botanical garden??? Where is the Bible in the government secretariat and the guest palace??? Where is the tourist village and the water reservoir??? Where are the vehicles and offices that will be used for this new meeting??? Will worn vehicles be maintained?? Or will new ones be purchased?? What is the condition and fate of the new ministry buildings which have been abandoned??? by employees.
In conclusion, we hope that these questions will be adequately answered.
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