More popular discontent with terrorist militias because of fabricated videos… ✍️Omar Kabo

Excerpts that demonstrate the state of defeat and disorientation in which you live:
++ Finally, after the devastating defeats it suffered on the ground, the terrorist militia became convinced that it was no longer possible to fight a strong, tough and united army like the Sudanese army…
++ This is reason enough to decide to transfer its struggle against the Sudanese people into the electronic media space, directing its efforts towards the creation of content that deceives public opinion and makes it believe that it still has the ability to continue the conflict, by fighting, and the war…
++ To do this, and in order to be able to attract the attention of public opinion and influence it, it filmed clips of its members wearing Sudanese army uniforms massacring innocent citizens – after forcing them to wearing his military uniform – in a shocking scene that only his own whims could make…
++ They are, and how do you know what they are?!!
They were the ones who mutilated the body of the governor of West Kordofan after deceiving him with the lie of his meeting until, when he appeared, they massacred him and then mutilated his body amidst their laughter noisy and their immense joy when they felt the sweetness of victory…
++ They were the ones who tied up the young people of the Masalit tribe, then dug a deep hole for them, then placed them there, then piled tons of earth on top of them in a scene that shook humanity and brought to souls all shades of sadness, regret and violent indignation…
++ They are the ones who restricted the elders, women and children of the same tribe for the same reasons of odious racism and shameful regionalism.
Then they lit a fire above their heads, and their bodies burned, turning them into a pile of charred bones…
++ Whoever has this behavior and this religion, it should come as no surprise that he makes shocking and bloody videos accusing and (slandering) our regular forces in order to arouse feelings of hatred, resentment and indignation against them against, and God knows that it was the Janjaweed militia who stabbed, killed and tore these bodies…
++ She did this and she will do more because it involved humiliations which the drugs have obscured in their minds and which have become beyond the scope of ((coverage)). brutality of the behavior and stops it and refuses. On the contrary, everyone is happy and content to take the plunge under the intoxication of (the absence) who lives…
++ The history of our regular forces is honorable – army, police and general intelligence – they have continued to fight with honor, responsibility and morality, preserving the bonds of religion, honoring alliances and pacts and preserving the traditions of Sudanese society. , which prohibits transgression and rejects excess and negligence, even on the battlefield…
++ The record of our courageous and steadfast armed forces is full of principles, ideals and the highest human values. If they kill, they kill well, and if they act, they act well. There is nothing that dishonors them and puts them in danger. about anger and contempt…
++ This is enough for public opinion to refuse to accept the idea that a member of our great army mutilates the body of a dead man. At the same time, it takes the initiative to accuse the militias in sympathy with its long history. , dirty story, which breathes bloodshed, massacre, crushing and loss of innocent lives that were illegally claimed by the criminal weapons of the militia. Fair or logical justification…
++ It is time for the militia to realize the failure of its plan to inflict an accusation or stigma of its contemptible character on the front of our regular forces, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Al-Sabouh, the freshness of its brave members who refuse to dare in a place of weakness, retreat and surrender, let alone mutilate a dead person incapable of doing anything…
++ The Sudanese people have started to become more aware of the criminal plan of Zayed's children and the irresponsible conspiracy media, so that no one thinks that they are unaware of what these bastard criminal dogs are doing!!!!
++ This militia will be questioned about what they committed, even if it was the size of the ocean of the sea, if God Almighty…
Omar Capo
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