Nile Governor Attends Concluding Ceremony of Reconciliation and Amnesty in Aliyab, Praises State's Cohesion and Cohesion of Society and Confirms That Country's Progress is Solid and There is No Need there's no going back.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, Governor of the Nile, responsible for the cohesion and cohesion of the society of the state in general and the Nile sector and Al-Alyab in particular. Addressing the massive celebration in the Al-Alyab region of the Nile sector in the locality of Al-Damer on the occasion of the pardon of the blood relatives and family of the murdered Ayoub Al-Siddiq, a complete and sincere forgiveness for the love of God Almighty, in the presence and participation of members of the State Security Committee, Engineer Salah Ali Karkaba, Minister of Production and State Economic Resources , Professor Osama Majzoub Babakir Al-Labib, the executive director of the locality of Al-Damer, Lieutenant General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, leader of the popular resistance of the state, Al-Nazir Muhammad Ibrahim, Dalbiyah, deputy superintendent of all the Ja'aleen tribes, civil and popular leaders, overseers, sheikhs and mayors from all over the state, and a large gathering of citizens.
The governor welcomed the initiative of the blood saints for a comprehensive amnesty in a manner that emphasizes adherence to the values of our true Islamic religion by calling for tolerance and transgression. The governor added that this is not surprising for the people of Aliyab. who have been known throughout history for their noble morals and virtues, saluting the efforts of the people of the Nile sector and Aliyab to defend the homeland, the land and their honor. The governor announced a number of ongoing and ongoing projects. will be opened soon, God willing, the most important of which are the Atbara International Airport, Atbara Dry Port, Military Hospital and paving of roads in a number of towns in the state. The governor confirmed the state is open. continue to build and rebuild despite the circumstances and challenges, emphasizing that the state has now started to take measures to promote and advance the agricultural sector, linking agriculture with industry and moving towards agricultural industrialization to create added value to state products. great efforts of the Aliyab Reconciliation Committee and announced their official accreditation for this committee to undertake reconciliation operations in all localities and the sector and contribute to achieving reconciliation and amnesty in all regions of the State in appreciation of its role.
Major work carried out by the committee during the previous period
Mahjoub Police Lieutenant General Hassan Saad, leader of the popular resistance in the state, delivered an additional speech, highlighting the significance of the pardon, praising the blood saints and reviewing the measures taken by the resistance People's Army in the state. emphasizing that their slogan is non-regional, non-tribal, non-sectarian and non-partisan, emphasizing that their slogan is one army, one people, and they are all under the banner of the homeland and the armed forces.
Mr. Ustama Majzoub Babakir Al-Labib, Executive Director of Al-Damer locality, highlighted the value of forgiveness and grace, appreciating the great role of the residents of Al-Aliyab and what they gave to the homeland and the State, particularly at the level of mobilization, mobilization and the Al-Karama camps. He announced the local initiative to own a business site for the sons of the deceased in recognition of the circumstances they are going through and the loss of those who support them.
Sheikh Hassan Abdul-Ilah spoke on behalf of the Blood Guardians, confirming their pure, complete and unconditional forgiveness for their son's killer.
Mr. Al-Fatih Tayfour Muhammad Sharif spoke on behalf of the Aliyab tribe and thanked all parties who contributed to the completion of the amnesty and reconciliation. He commended the wide participation of the state government, state security committee, state leaders and symbols, leaders. mayors and tribal sheikhs of the state.
The famous preacher Sheikh Al-Hadi Al-Ahmir delivered an eloquent and comprehensive speech on the meaning of reconciliation and forgiveness in our true Islamic religion, and he urged Islam to establish the five universals: religion, soul, spirit, money and money. honor.
The great nationalist poet Muhammad Damarah presented an impeccable poem, to which everyone responded by shouting “Allahu Akbar” and applauding him.
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