O servant of the Two Holy Mosques ✍️ Rashid Abdul Rahim

At that time, people were left to their own devices. At nine o'clock in the evening, they fall asleep, and all we hear in the streets is the intermittent barking of dogs or the sounds of arguing cats.
With the dawn breeze and shortly after the second call to prayer, we hear the door latch gently open. And walks on the ground as if they were gently touching it. A melodious rustling, as if the walker was talking to what he was walking on until his end.
Then the prayer is performed, and it is as if what we are hearing is a symphony arranged with distributed tones.
These were the steps of the young servant, our uncle Omar Abdel Wahhab.
Everything is ordered, a life in which there is nothing but pure worship that knows no path to fun and amusement.
Regularity of day, night, week and month.
Today, all prayers take place at the mosque except at noon on the construction site. Today, one hour in the afternoon, there is a day of study on the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, a day of jurisprudence from the book Nil al-Awtar by Imam al-Shawkani, and after sunset, a recitation session at the mosque.
Friday is a busy day, a trip to the Al-Sajjana district, where the most important episode of the biography is presented by Sheikh Al-Safi Jaafar Al-Safi.
In her house .
That day had a pure Sudanese flavor woven by a pure Sudanese woman, Al-Sayyida Bint Al-Madani, the mother of Sheikh Al-Safi.
Despite her age, she was a pioneer for women and the first woman I saw riding a bicycle.
Every Friday, she goes to the market by bike, loaded with this unforgettable breakfast.
She calls for pliers (five inches) to indicate its thickness.
A large plate with the unique taste of nippers, followed by a cold, intense red watermelon and a cup of tea whose taste lingers in the mouth throughout the day.
On Fridays, at my uncle and my brother Omar's house, I only take a few steps to buy the magazine (Al-Arabi), which is one of the most wonderful magazines that I have learned to read carefully.
My uncle Omar greatly admired the magazine's editor-in-chief, the Egyptian chemist Ahmed Zaki. Dr. Ahmed Zaki had articles ranging from two titles (With God on Earth) and (With God in Heaven). Abundant knowledge in a flowing, engaging and interesting style that connects scientific facts with faith. The man was a scientist who held many scientific positions, including president of Cairo University.
*while reading*
My uncle Omar was organized in everything, his day was divided between worship, study and family ties, and in his readings he chose what he felt comfortable in between readings and books.
In addition to my books, The School of Interpretation and Jurisprudence, I saw a book that he always read that I had not seen with anyone else, and it is a book that reflects his personality deeply rooted in worship with the insight of this book. (Taking Care of God's Rights) by scholar Abu Al-Harith Al-Muhasibi.
In his biography, he chose to read about the scholar, ascetic worshiper, Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak, and the famous verses of his poetry.
O worshiper of the Two Holy Mosques, if you saw us, you would know that you are playing with worship
He who wets his face with his tears, our necks will be soaked with our blood
This distinguished biography does not mean that the man was isolated and ascetic from life and people. He had relationships and friendships with many personalities, some of whom had unusual characteristics, but they were good people. He chose them and loved them.
It was common in the family that my uncle Omar and my father would argue and not greet each other, and the bond between them was almost broken.
I was certain that this argument was fabricated, because my father was a communist and my uncle was an Islamist.
When I was convinced that my uncle would not let me down, I went to my father and said to him: Why are you arguing with your brother? He told me that I hadn't argued with him, but that he was the one who did it, so I told him that we would come tomorrow for afternoon tea.
It was a session that I regretted not having been photographed.
We thank God that my father is dead and his tongue is moist with the remembrance of God and the Shahada.
*His wedding*
People thought his marriage would be boring, dry and joyless.
He prepared his wedding in silence and his celebration was unique.
He married his cousin, whom he revered, and she was from Tuti, so he prepared an unprecedented biography.
In the afternoon, people left Berri's house walking and singing, and women carried palm leaves to the Blue Nile, near Berri Al-Mahs Police, where the pants were waiting for them. . So they continued to sing and rejoice as their pants sailed down the rivers of the Nile. When we reached Tuti, the buns took us around the island, and it was a picturesque sight which the people on both shores looked on, happy and joyful.
*social work* .
My uncle Omar went to work in the Sultanate of Oman, returned, established his home and embarked on extensive social work. Every day was dedicated to serving the neighborhood and its residents.
He died and left among us an image of adoration, of love of doing good to people, of serving them and maintaining family ties, qualities that are rarely found in a man who does not know a single obscene word, but who loves goodness, chastity. , and kind words.
He loves all the good and sweetness that souls accept.
He admired the voice of the artist Ahmed Al-Jabri and he told me that if this man had recited the Quran, he would have won people's hearts.
One of his pleasures with these words is that I wrote him in a letter the phrase (I ask God that you be in the happiness which will not forget the happiness of the afterlife), and he was very happy. He named his eldest son (Anas) Ali, the great companion and servant of the Messenger of God, Anas bin Malik. Then he followed it with the names of Anas' brothers, both of which are significant. then Akram, and Al-Nour, Ali, his wife's brother, out of loyalty to her.
*His death*
The grave of my dear, dear uncle is in Al-Jarif East, where the other members of the family whom the cursed war deprived us of attending his funeral and his grave, prevented the inhabitants of Tuti, who he loves it very much, as the thugs imprisoned them, for praying for him in his grave.
May you have mercy and forgiveness, from whom we have learned to be generous, sincere in affection and chaste in everything.
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