Realize the farmers of the Blue Nile….. A cry for authorization from the Sovereignty Council, the Governor and the management of the Agricultural Bank.. ✍🏾 Written by/Captain M Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Qazwa

Letters sent by state mail

▫️The farmer remains the tip of the spear in supporting the economy because of the great role he plays in this regard.

Who among us does not know this value? Agriculture is the pillar of the Sudanese economy

In general and the Blue Nile region in particular

What brought me to this introduction was the insolvency that struck and affected most of the Blue Nile farmers.

This bankruptcy began at the end of 2021

And the year 2022 AD, for reasons beyond our control, and rising crop prices

The situation got worse in 2023 AD when war broke out, funding was low and things are too numerous to mention.

Despite all this, there was production, but crop prices declined and fell, so the farmer sold his crop at a loss.

Especially maize, which is grown by most farmers, and because Khartoum was the largest consumer of maize to feed poultry and other farms.

As well as cotton, since most factories in Khartoum bought their cotton production, but this stopped because of the war.

All these factors helped and rendered these farmers helpless, so that they found themselves between the hammer of market decline and the hard place of debt accumulated by the bank due to the above-mentioned circumstances.

▫️We whisper here in the ear of the Governor of the Region, His Excellency Lieutenant General Ahmed Al-Amda Badi and the Minister of Agriculture

Mr. Abdallah Issa Zayed

First, you must try to seek solutions to this dilemma, as the region, under your rule, is witnessing a brilliant period of unity, stability and peaceful coexistence, and this is due to your wise leadership.

We are whispering out loud here and we hope that you will try to sit down with the management of the Agricultural Bank to plan the accumulated debts and the commitment of the farmers to pay whatever percentage is agreed upon by all so that they can do it! !

And you are no longer capable of it

So please take the gloves

Especially since we are now approaching a new season, so that these farmers do not leave the season without cultivating, they become more and more poor, and this will of course affect the economy of Sudan and the cinema, which depends entirely on agriculture.

Today, arrest warrants have been issued against a very large number of insolvent farmers. Here, we do not blame the Agricultural Bank, because it is a right guaranteed to it by law, but what an outcome when the farmer is powerless! !?

Plan for this debt, postpone the execution of arrest warrants, and work with senior state leaders to find solutions and ways to resolve the problem. Here, we necessarily propose to inject money and grant a special additional budget to the Agricultural Bank, Damazin branch, to make this possible. it can make its contribution to these farmers who have no work and who have no other choice than this agriculture.

Perhaps these arrest warrants hanging like a sword around the neck will make the farmer think about running away or hiding to prevent arrest.

This could make reality even more detrimental to both parties!!

▫️ We whisper loudly in the ear of the Vice President of the Sovereignty Council, His Excellency Lieutenant General Malik Ayer, who is the son of this region. We seek your protection against the cold of arrest warrants. We are committed to paying this debt. , no matter how much it has accumulated, because it is a must-have!!

But we ask you, as you know the secrets of this region, to work hard with the top leaders of the state to allocate sums to the Agricultural Bank of Damazin so that it can assume its responsibilities and its growing role towards the problems and financing of farmers. is now in your court, Mr. Lieutenant General Malik Aqar.

Aim him to score a goal for the benefit of insolvent farmers!!

▫️ Another whisper in the ears of the President of the Sovereignty Council, His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

And Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabbashi

And member of the Sovereignty Council, His Excellency Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber

We say to you, would you please understand the Blue Nile farmers and help solve this insolvency problem??!!

The Blue Nile region is in dire need of your intervention, as it now resembles a miniature Sudan that lovingly contains all those fleeing the hell of war from Khartoum, the Gezira and elsewhere, living in peace, stability and security. stable in agriculture, so we whispered to you to help Blue Nile farms get out of this crisis.

The Blue Nile region and its farmers will stand with you in one trench to defeat the agents and preserve the dignity of this country.

As we know, our region is the most alert region and which contributes with its human force to the War for Dignity, and farmers play a major role.

We ask Allah to grant us success

▫️ One last whisper: the joints and institutions of the state are still full of those who have an agenda and an interest in this Sudan which is not economically and politically stable in the implementation of a political agenda and 'an ideology known to all. This requires a break.

They know!!!


Captain, retiree and farmer

Khaled Muhammad Ahmed Qazwa

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