Statement from the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs… Disappointment and brokenness – behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*If the official spokesperson wants to disavow his May 4 statement, that is his choice*
*Where are the statements from the Office of the Official Spokesperson on UAE arms shipments transiting Uganda, Chad and Libya?
*Columnists are professionals and write for respectable newspapers run by respected editors,*
*The Sudanese people have not allowed any party to speak in their name and on their behalf* *The Sudanese people are victims of killings, displacement, looting, rape and displacement, and they know exactly who the right enemy is *
The Office of the Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release on May 6, 2024, stating: “Over the past few days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been following the writings and comments of Sudanese columnists and activists on social media that addresses Sudanese-Saudi relations in a manner that does not express the true position of the Sudanese government and people towards the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as their concern to preserve these friendly relations and strategies rooted in history. of everything that disturbs their peace. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejects the comments reported on social networks reporting serious insults towards the Saudi leaders and language that does not resemble the politeness and respect with which the Sudanese people is known for his brothers. . In particular Your Highnesses, Excellencies, kings, princes and leaders of brotherly countries, relations with the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are characterized by a distinct particularity due to the ties of religion, language, neighborhood, common destiny and common destiny. The mutual interests that bind the two countries and the two peoples given that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the custodian of the two holy mosques, the ministry calls on social media commentators and activists to stay away from all this which harms relations between the two countries. two brotherly countries and the symbols and leaders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and brotherly and friendly countries.
The same official spokesperson had made a press release on May 4, 2024, in which he declared (Ambassador Omar Issa, Director General of Arab and Asian Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met today, May 4 2024, His Excellency Ali bin Hassan Jaafar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Sudan The meeting discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries, the Saudi ambassador renewed his country's support for legitimacy in Sudan. Sudan and its concern to preserve its sovereignty and sovereignty It affirmed the refusal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to use its lands in any activity threatening Sudan or any other brotherly country, or to insult the Sudanese leaders or any officials. official, and regarding the video that appeared on social networks of members of the Rapid Support militia in the Dhahran region in southern Saudi Arabia The Saudi ambassador said that this video dates back to a period of four years. months and follows basic training received by soldiers participating in coalition forces. , and does not include training in artillery, marches or medical work, and he said that the relevant authorities investigated who filmed and broadcast the video, and he learned that the person who broadcast the video video had been stopped. He promised to consult the relevant authorities. authorities of the Kingdom to resolve the problem, and he expressed the gratitude of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the leaders and people of Sudan for their support to the Kingdom against anything that threatens its stability and security),
First of all, we say that the official spokesperson has the right to reveal his helplessness and the misery of his article, and to claim, forced and without knowing it, that the writings and comments of Sudanese columnists and activists on the networks social services are aimed at Sudanese and Saudis. relations in a way that does not express the true position of the government, in general and not in detail. He certainly has no right to extend his servility to label the authors of these articles as insulting Kingdom relations, and I don't know how he did it. relied on them to conclude that these writings do not express the Sudanese people, especially since these writings and articles were based on the statement of the official spokesperson himself, which included an explicit acknowledgment by the Saudi ambassador for the authenticity of the video. subject of the articles, and his statement that the editor of the video was under arrest… etc.), and therefore, these writings and columns did not fabricate the news, but the source of the news was rather the personal statement of the official spokesperson,
Opinion editors and columnists write at respectable newspapers and platforms run by respected editors-in-chief. They know the value of information and know how to treat it in analysis or commentary, and they do not miss what the official spokesperson missed.
If the official spokesperson wants to disavow his statement of May 4, then that is his business, and if he wants to apologize for it, let him do so, and if his government wants to apologize, let him 'apologize too. the official spokesperson using writings and columns to do so, it is a matter without breaking his pens. You know, submission, no kowtowing, no bribes and gifts.
Since April 5, writers and media professionals have been expressing the positions of the Sudanese people and are on the front lines to defend their right to defend themselves, their money and their honor. Social media is the only way to inform the public. These writings and columns alone mobilized public opinion behind the armed forces, and they alone created the initiatives for mobilization and popular resistance. official spokesperson, and no one knew where he worked, what he did and where she was, his statements about foreign interventions in the war, and did God once open him to reveal and condemn the Emirati arms supplies passing through Uganda, Chad and Libya, and what is its role in opposing the channels that broadcast their poison from the lands of the Kingdom and insult the Sudanese people and accuse them of terrorism day and night, and more, it doesn't do it? recognize your ministry or government.
The author of these lines is one of the authors who discussed the statements of the Saudi ambassador in accordance with what was stated in the statements of the official spokesperson. Without these writings, Mr. Ambassador would not have come to see you and would not have recognized his words. authenticity of the video which was covered by articles and media. The video shows a militia group threatening, threatening and insulting the Sudanese people and the leadership of the armed forces, this militia was disbanded and its law was abolished by a government. constitutional decree taken by the President of the Sovereignty Council, if you know,
We represent and express the conscience of the people, and we defend our country by word and pen. The Sudanese people are polite, that is a fact, but when politeness equals submission and defeat, the Sudanese people have not authorized or authorized you. no one else to speak for them and on their behalf.
This is our fight, and we will say what needs to be said, I like it for my dislike, and whoever wants it, and only what is correct is correct. We are not employees of your department or government, and if you have proof. that the authors of the articles have harmed your kingdom, then the courts are before you, and we are for them. Then you must begin with the virtue of apologizing to the people on whose behalf you speak courteously and carelessly, and if you leave. this site, you are not worthy of it. You have misused it, trying to mislead public opinion with sentimental, meaningless and worthless speeches. The Sudanese people are being killed, displaced, pillaged and… Rape and displacement, and him. knows exactly who is good and who is the enemy.
May 8, 2024 AD
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