The Crisis of Sudanese Diplomacy, Challenges in Strengthening Regional Relations and Overcoming the State of Isolation – Whispered Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

The international relations file is one of the most sensitive files, and handling it requires sensitivity, awareness, accuracy and wisdom, and talking about it requires choosing sentences and words that accurately express positions. Words should not have double standards to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of the other party, and for this reason, it must Use clear language that reflects respect and appreciation for all parties (what is meant by speaking and monitoring), in order to maintain the boundaries of mutual respect, because speech that deviates from the circle of responsibilities and careless remarks cause divisions that can greatly affect stability and cooperation between countries. Therefore, in handling these relations, mutual respect and preservation of the sovereignty of states and their representatives are necessary, and diplomatic statements and decisions must be carefully considered. to avoid misunderstanding.

Sometimes there may be a lack of awareness on the part of some politicians and leaders, due to the background from which he comes, or the practical incubator in which he acquired his culture, and there must be a careful calculation regarding the risks associated with unfair speeches in diplomatic issues, and such irresponsible behavior can lead to the dissolution of the boundaries of respect between individuals, and sometimes between countries, and can negatively affect relations in general, and this is what we sought in the Sudanese case by making statements comparing the ambassador of a respectable country to white people could have serious repercussions, and this type of statement can be considered extremely offensive and inappropriate, regardless of good intentions. This reflects a lack of awareness of how to handle diplomatic affairs appropriately. It is important in dealing with diplomats and foreign delegations to respect diplomatic protocols, etiquette and customs to avoid any harm. In relations between countries, statements that include an inappropriate comparison can lead to tensions or reduce the prestige of the speaking country, because what appears in the final result is the country, not the speaker.

After the call that took place between the President of the United Arab Emirates and the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, there was a general state of relief, and people became optimistic and rejoiced at the melting of the rolling ice ball. It was possible for diplomacy. to play its natural role, but our country suffers from the lack of the right person in the right place, and the relations between the two countries should have seen progress that would ease tensions and help resolve the contract, and this would have been possible. to better correct the course of communication and raise awareness of the importance of these relations, so it is necessary to focus on diplomatic efforts to overcome these obstacles and on achieving the desired goals between the two countries, but the statements of some senior officials continued to go in the same direction of escalation. The Sudanese crisis lies in the political leadership, which relies in its speech on the information it receives from social media.

In pending issues, unfair statements should not be used by officials to criticize or denigrate the other party. This may be interpreted as a lack of awareness or ignorance of the importance of diplomacy. Some irresponsible statements may instead contribute to an escalation of tensions. promote constructive dialogue and end the situation. Understanding, the role of diplomacy should be activated by relying on professionalism and not following ignorance and the ignorant in such files.

How can Sudan be isolated as an island in its regional environment, at a time when its stability and development require joint efforts and enhanced cooperation with its neighbors and regional countries. To get out of this isolation, it is necessary to activate the diplomatic role? which aims to improve relations with these countries by strengthening cooperation at the regional level, restoring confidence and strengthening internal political stability.

Journalists play an important role as ambassadors of the word and the letter and are bearers of a sacred message, as they influence public opinion by transmitting information in a way that can affect relationships and positions. It is therefore necessary that they be responsible in their dealings with them. these files and in what they publish, and to avoid … Abuse or negative criticism, as this can exacerbate tensions and disrupt the atmosphere instead of improving communication and communication. It is certain that the commitment of journalists to objectivity helps to maintain the integrity of information. the profession and in the exercise of its missionary role.

Ambassador Ali bin Hassan Jaafar, Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, has his weight in diplomatic circles and enjoys a good reputation that distinguishes him, as well as extensive experience, the fruit of many years. from the diplomatic school, and not an intelligence man as some claim, and he also has influence in the field of diplomacy, both official and popular, and his track record testifies to this. long years of experience in the field, because he has skills that distinguish him from others in negotiating and reducing distances between the parties. I hope that people do not treat him in a context based on passionate emotion, and this is simply because he appears with such. of the parties to the negotiations? It is true that there is a general injustice towards this aggressor party, among all Sudanese, but the Saudi ambassador is considered a mediator, and in the event of mediation, the mediator must be impartial. He must avoid taking sides. any party to ensure the effectiveness of its role.

And God is behind the intention

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