The Department of Culture wears its splendid costume in the Karama Forums – the idea of ​​the forum must circulate in all states of Sudan

The room of the General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications in the locality of Shendi was decorated today, Thursday, April 24, at the Al-Karama Forum in its twelfth edition, in the presence and in honor of the Major General Mamoun Abdul Raouf. Muhammad, Director of State Moral Guidance, and Staff Colonel/Hafiz Fath Al-Rahman, Director of the Moral Guidance and Military Information Division of the 3rd Administration infantry division, Lt. Col. Rashid Ali, Lt. Col. Muhammad Dharar, Director of. Armed Forces Radio, Major Mubarak, Armed Forces Newspaper and a number of journalists and creators from my country.

The beginning was, as usual, the people at home who came up with the idea and the implementation, from the Acting Director of the General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications, Mr. Alam Al -Din Musa Al-Hassan, who explained that they previously hosted Major General Bahri Fat Al-Rahman and Major General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, former director of the Sudanese Police, and now they welcome Major General Mamoun Al -Raouf Muhammad, and they will continue, God willing. , at the same pace, welcoming important personalities who have played and still play a major role in the military field, he expressed his joy at this visit, and His Excellency Colonel Hafez came forward to reveal the reason for the visit.

Colonel Hafez Fatah al-Rahman, director of the Moral Guidance and Military Information Division, led by the 3rd Infantry Division, expressed great joy at the joint work that brought together the General Administration of the Culture, Media and Communications and the Khartoum Media Association. He said they were greeted by a commander of the armed forces, Dr. Rukn Mamoun, and explained that the initial strike came from Al-Damir, then the Artillery Corps, then the Third Division, and he declared that they would reach the Sixth Division. Brigade in Abu Hamad, and they said they were not tired because the battalion they were dealing with had its light. He said that the requirements of the next step were to unify the media discourse directed at the state marches, and he mentioned that the war began with rumors.

This will end in even bigger rumors.

Major General Mamoun Abdel Raouf Muhammad, Director of the State Moral Guidance Department, took pity on the souls of the martyrs of the armed forces and wished a speedy recovery to the injured and the return of the missing and captured. The visit was aimed at checking the progress of work in the various media departments in the state. He expressed his thanks to the Media Association and said they had bridged the media gap, built confidence and restored the morale of the people's armed forces. He stressed that the media constitute one of the most powerful forces of the global state and that they must contribute to their construction and development, discovering weak points and strengthening them. He explained that they are divided into four main departments. The first administration includes military media, including radio. , newspapers and television. The second administration includes social services, including the management of negative phenomena and Hajj and retirement issues. The third department includes Moral Guidance, specializing in advocacy, guidance and awareness work. operations department, specializing in media work, he explained, media professionals will make a significant contribution.

Through Haditha, he said that they have completed the repulsion and stabilization stage and we are working with a strategy which is the strategy of return of regions, reconstruction and stability. He said the media would play a leading role in this. step, despite the obstacles, because we want to develop national sense.

He said the idea of ​​the forum is an unprecedented idea for all states in Sudan. He promised to provide a suitable climate for such forums. media personalities and military journalists. He said the media functions as a fourth estate and contributes greatly to building the new state of Sudan. He said they were looking to expand this work into broader work that includes all states in Sudan. He said we are with you, hand in hand, for us, the new Sudan.

Ms. Rajaa Al-Nuwairi, MP of the Association of Media Professionals from Khartoum, welcomed His Excellency the Major General and the accompanying delegation and said: “You are welcome and have easily settled among your tribe. The forces fight with weapons, and we fight with the pen. She embraced the idea of ​​a unified media center, explaining that there would be a network that brings all media together, and said we start from there.

Journalist Wissal Youssef Bassiouni from his local Ministry of Culture and Information said the administration works in the same trench with the armed forces and the pen is our weapon used to debunk rumors. She said everyone is leaving this administration.

Lt. Col. Muhammad Dirar Hamed mentioned that what made him stand up and speak was that media professionals were now part of the military establishment. He said that our concern is the same and that there is no competition or journalistic scoop between us, but we remain. together and let's integrate because our cause is one and the step requires the solidarity of you and us, the construction of the new Sudan.

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