The marches…a propaganda war – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Information is part of the battle and must be handled professionally*
*It is necessary to leave issues related to the dissemination of information about military operations, targeting and their results to the competent authorities*
*The rebel militia seeks to divert attention from what they are planning, the militia seeks an important target*,
*The rebel militia suffers from internal conflicts and divisions, as well as the flight of many of its fighters*
The Orientation and Services Division, led by the Marawi 19th Infantry Division, issued a statement saying: “At 4 a.m., enemy forces successfully targeted Marawi Airport with three suicide marches. shot down without loss of life or equipment. We assure all citizens of Marawi locality that your armed forces are fully prepared to deal with any emergency or foreign object in the skies of Marawi locality and the northern state. general. We call on everyone not to get caught up in rumors.)
According to reports, the drones that targeted the Marawi airport were shot down before reaching the outskirts of the airport, without causing any casualties. These are small drones that cannot be controlled after launch and cannot send photos of targets they hit. Therefore, determining the areas from which they (the media) are falling represents a free and dangerous service for the militia, because it is the only means by which the enemy obtains information about hit, fallen or downed targets. Hence the importance of avoiding publishing this information to deprive the enemy of benefiting from it during any new launch. We must therefore rely on the dissemination of information on targeting and its results to the competent authorities, who determine its nature. information that may be published, perhaps with the aim of deceiving or demoralizing the enemy, is part of the battle and must be handled professionally.
The drones used so far by the enemy are suicidal and have limited impact. They belong to the first generations and are known as suicide bombers. Their accuracy is linked to the margin of error in entering or copying coordinates. Their destructive power is limited. This is the same model used to target the Atbara and Gedaref targets. Its launch does not require high technical equipment and any small group infiltrating safe areas or within flight range can use it.
What the militia is doing is an attempt to sow fear and panic among citizens, and the Sudanese people have not acquired immunity against these methods, and they are fully aware that the militia is targeting their morale and steadfastness. say that she can reach Atbara, Shendi and Marawi, and the bitter truth is that what the rapid support militia teaches her is that what she could not do on the ground with her vehicles and tanks , she will not be able to do it with marches, and he heals his wounds and brokenness after being defeated in Marawi in the first lost battles, after having mobilized for him more than (130) combat vehicles,
The rebel militia seeks to distract attention from its plans. She is looking for an important target and trying to bring down El Fasher. It attacks daily at Babanusa and on the White Nile, and perhaps its eyes turn east and attack El. Obeid, in an attempt to exhaust the army and widen the scope of the fighting. The use of surprise in an area. The rebel militia suffers from internal conflicts and divisions, the flight of many of its fighters and the subsequent withdrawal of some. there is nothing left to pillage or steal.
Two important variables will determine how to end the militia's presence and the methods of supplying it with weapons in Darfur in particular. The militia and its allies want to anticipate new alliances in Greater Darfur, which is at the center of a major alignment. between the army and the forces of the armed movements, the militia and its allies have failed to influence or penetrate it, and perhaps the variable. Most importantly, Al-Mahamid leader Musa Hilal has categorically declared his bias in favor of the army. and the people of Sudan in preserving the entity of the Sudanese State.
April 27, 2024 AD,
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