The mute speaks… demographic change of the colonies!!… – Strategies – ✍️ Dr. Issam Batran

While the armed forces struggle to evacuate the rebel militias from the homes of citizens by adhering to the Jeddah Declaration or by recovering them by force and the tyranny of arms, there is a third party that legalizes their presence and makes it a practical reality that prevents them from leaving these homes forever…

– Large-scale purchases and sales of land are taking place these days in Khartoum State, with the aim of bringing about a demographic, anthropological and settlement change through a plan that seems to have received huge funds for its implementation in order to maintain the rebels' homes in a legal manner through purchase and sale operations, transfer of ownership and registration in the name of the new owner…

Some of those who returned to their homes in the old neighborhoods of Omdurman after its liberation from the rebel militias whispered about the presence of new residents in the homes of some neighbors, and after questioning and verification, it became clear that they had purchased these homes and completed the purchase and sale procedures – by mutual agreement – and the former owner received the fair price and an additional amount in cash…

– Those who carry out the demographic and anthropological replacement and replacement operations are real estate brokers who took advantage of the opportunity of the war and are in a state of communication to carry out the purchase and sale operations for the benefit of the members of the rebel militias with attractive sums of money after providing information about the original owner and the place of his displacement, communicating with him and convincing him to sell to the new owner. This process is carried out through legal agencies notarized by the embassies and courts of the country. States to which the owner was displaced due to the war, and the sales operations are carried out through your bank transfers or in cash by handing over to the owner (mobile phones filled with cash) to his emergency place of residence in the States or delivered to his home outside Sudan in hard currency in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Ethiopia and South Sudan …

– What is indisputable is that some purchases and sales of houses and lands are carried out in a purely legal and real manner through agents from ethnic groups that have no connection with the Janjaweed ethnicity for camouflage purposes, but the essence of the process is carried out in the interest of the buyer according to guarantees with the buyer client…

– (The mute neither eat nor drink) is a clever phrase uttered by land brokers, because it is the shortest path to becoming rich in exchange for spending. Land in Sudan has a social value more than its economic, production or service value. The issue of white land has also arisen, that is, land without buildings in the middle of homes in neighborhoods, they are fully serviced and their value increases for reasons (silent and imaginary) up to the price of a meter of land in Haj Youssef. or Ambada has reached an amount higher than the price of a meter of land with its services in London, Switzerland or Cairo. The danger of this land is that its owner or the purchase and sale operations that take place on it are not known until after. construction. This is where the new residents will look…

The results of Jewish colonization in Palestine were not known until after the 1948 war, after the organized migration to settle the Jews of the Diaspora through an international and regional plan that carried out the purchase and sale of land before, during and after the Nakba War, in which the Arab armies were defeated due to the demographic change that occurred in the land and the original owner became the Jewish owner by law, and through the purchase of land and in exchange for the sale amounts, the Palestinians bought small residential apartments in countries of asylum and Diaspora, and expelled among them the Jews who remained clinging to their lands…

I remember that at the time of Dr. Sharaf El-Din Banga, Commissioner for Engineering Affairs at the National Capital Delegation, the old informal settlements were legalized and some of them were transferred to other sites. Until that time, the identity of their deported owners. was not revealed, and it later emerged that more than 70% of them were still under the domination of foreigners who did not possess citizenship, although Sudanese law grants them citizenship by naturalization and given the importance of ownership through research. certificates, there was a fierce attack to obtain citizenship by naturalization for these immigrant elements, not to legalize regular residence, but because they have been present since the 1950s in Sudan, but to complete the land registration procedures for them in Sudan. the new location so that the areas south of Khartoum became new demographic and anthropological colonies, and through them, the rebel militias found a way to recruit them in the looting and plundering operations that took place in Khartoum from the first day of the war. This also happened on the island, which led to the issue of the Kanabi population until it became a demanding social league due to claims of possession and possession of land. -And also- the rebel militia found Nafaj through which it was able to use it to change the situation. mapping the population of Al-Jazeera State and recruiting for the benefit of its military operations…

– The purchase and sale of land in Khartoum and in the states under the control of rebel militias is carried out at the best purchase and sale prices for all uses of land, agricultural, residential (built and unbuilt) and commercial, which confirms that there is an organized campaign for the replacement and replacement of the population, in exchange for which there are purchases of apartments in the countries of asylum with the proceeds from the sale of the house or land in Sudan…

The disastrous truth says that the members of the rebel militias have money other than cash, and that there are foreign and local parties that are carrying out financing operations to buy the largest number of lands before the end of the war, whether through a victory on the ground or through the implementation of the Jeddah Agreement, but at that time, will the owner be the same and will the composition be the same as that approved by the Settlement and Land Registration Law of 1925 AD, as well as the National Housing Plan Law?

The government must urgently make amendments to the laws on the transfer of ownership and land registration to adapt them to the reality on the ground. It must also review the law on the wild acquisition of land, which is governed by articles 631 and following of the Property Code. Civil Transactions Law of 1984 AD, which is what is called in the law “real possession”, that is, the person who owns the land is the one who has real possession of the building and housing, and this is because all unregistered land is the free property of the state, but it is allowed for the citizen to acquire possession of it, which constitutes a dangerous entry point for new owners from the Arab diaspora, as happened in the process of settling the Jews of the diaspora in Palestine. …

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