The vital importance of water and basic services for citizens in the absence of security, treatment and transport ✍️ Taha Haroun Hamed

In many countries and regions of the world, especially those facing serious challenges such as natural phenomena such as drought, desertification, significantly emerging climate changes, civil wars and political and economic instability . Residents face major challenges represented by lack of security, care and poor transportation. Under these conditions, basic services such as water, sanitation and electricity become essential to daily life and human survival. Without these services, the health and safety of residents is directly affected. Let's explore some important aspects of these vital services in the absence of security, treatment, transportation and water.
Water is the foundation of life: essential to all aspects of daily life. In the absence of security and treatment, the supply of drinking water becomes particularly vital. People depend on water for drinking, cooking, washing and irrigation. In developed, rural and Bedouin communities that suffer from unrest and insecurity, access to water may be scarce or limited due to power outages, pollution or damaged infrastructure. Children, the elderly and the sick are at serious risk when they lack clean water, leading to the spread of aquatic and infectious diseases.
sanitary sewer:
Along with water, sanitation is vital for the health of residents. If left unsafe and untreated, sewage systems can become damaged or worn out, leading to worsening health problems and the spread of disease. The environment and public health are affected when wastewater is not disposed of inappropriately, leading to contamination of groundwater and the spread of epidemics.
Electricity and energy:
Without electricity, every aspect of daily life is affected. The health and safety of the public depends on the presence of direct electrical current. Power outages affect medical devices and can shut down critical pool cooling and air conditioning systems. Additionally, people rely on energy for lighting, heating and ventilation, particularly in environments facing disruption and care. The sick, the elderly, children and women.
Double challenges:
In the absence of security, care and transport, residents face a double challenge. They must provide these vital services reliably and continuously, even in extreme conditions. To achieve this, infrastructure must be improved and technical and financial support provided to ensure universal access to water, sanitation and electricity. This also requires strengthening security and stability to ensure the sustainability of the provision of these services.
The vital importance of water and basic services is highlighted in the absence of security, treatment and transport. These services represent the basis of daily life and ensure the health of the population. Clean water must be provided
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