To Atbara (Major General) Yahya (Shawish)!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

It is also known in army literature and customs, and sometimes even in its laws, that the holder of the (lowest) rank salutes the (highest) rank, and sometimes if they all do so at At the same time, the one who arrives first with the military number deserves the salute.
And much of the (literature) of the army, due to popular cohesion with it, has (spread) among the people, even if two points of view differ between (two) which have nothing to do with it. see with (the army), and you find the first saying to the other: are you (mine) or what? “Maliki” does not contain a “deficiency” in the right to property, but it may contain a “reprimand” or “reprimand” for the soldier who does not respect the etiquette of the armed forces, including saluting the highest rank pupil.
The commander of the Atbara Artillery, Major General Muhammad Al-Amin, may have transcended these military labels (metaphorically) as he holds the rank of (Major General) and is Yahya (Shawish).
The Shawish who was hailed by Major General Muhammad al-Amin, Commander of the Atbara Artillery, is the veteran broadcaster, Mr. Ahmed Shawish, and he is one of the names that continue to accompany the broadcasts of the Sudanese Radio (Hana Omdurman Radio of the Republic of Sudan). He has a melodious voice that has always been associated with the introduction of radio serials.
The visit of Major General Muhammad Al-Amin, Commander of the Atbara Artillery, to Professor Ahmed Shawish, while he was recovering from the pain that befell him and the illnesses that afflicted him, so that this or an (atonement) for his sins, if any, and for his patience and (a reward). This visit confirms the General's character on a personal level, and confirms the interest and attention of the military establishment towards the creators in normal and exceptional circumstances, because these creators are part of the group. military institution. The cohesion between the creators and the army is old and has not been absent in any period of national domination. We see that the duality which united the poet General Awad Ahmed Khalifa and the artist Othman Hussein overflowed (creativity), and the duality which united the composer Colonel Omar the poet and the artist Zidane Ibrahim overflowed (nostalgia There is great singers who came out of the military establishment, like the artist Ali Ibrahim Al-Lahou (and they will respond to your biography, and the examples are numerous).
Sudanese Radio itself, under which Ahmed Shawish lived, was associated with military figures such as Lieutenant General Abbas Arabi, who was chairman of the board of directors of Sudanese Radio. The (relationship) is very broad and close between (the radio) and the weapon (signals) and between (the radio) and the weapon (music).
Even the presidency of the Ministry of Culture and Information was assumed by Brigadier General Omar Haj Musa during the era of Jaafar Numeiri (May), and during the era of Al-Bashir it was assumed by Brigadier General Suleiman Muhammad Suleiman. the examples.
Yesterday, an in-depth meeting was held between the Director of the Moral Guidance Branch, General Maamoun Abdul Raouf Saleh, and his honorable companions, in Shendi, with a group of local and expatriate media personalities.
Prior to this, the Commander of the Third Infantry Division in Shindi, Major General Rukn Hamdan, met with the Nile Expatriate Media Professionals Association, led by Brigadier General Dr. Abdel Azim Nour El-Din.
The visit of the Atbara Artillery Commander, Major General Muhammad Al-Amin, to Mr. Ahmed Shawish was very successful, as it boosted morale and helped increase recovery rates.
This visit by Major General Muhammad Al-Amin was supposed to be carried out by (royal) agencies which are (competent) and have (jurisdiction)
But it seems that just as the armed forces are advanced along the (military) axes, they are also advanced along the (cultural) axes.
This has always been the case with the military establishment.
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