Under the slogan of Shindi locality (clean for the year 2024)… Executive Director of Shindi locality launches environmental sanitation campaign in Dem Al-Qaray – Fadfa – ✍️ Abdul Salam Al- Qaray

Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Executive Director of Shendi locality, inaugurated the environmental sanitation campaign in the large village of Dim al-Qaray as part of the major campaign of Shendi locality under the slogan ” The locality is clean for the year 2024.”
Professor Khaled Abdel Ghaffar highlighted the activation of the work system in all necessary aspects of life through field work, as it is an effective way of identifying problems to facilitate their solution after a real assessment of the problems.
Among the aids that the locality has adopted, according to Mr. Khalid, is that of creating a spirit of competition between administrative units in all areas, on the condition that the distinguished administrative units receive incentive prizes (a new method that contributes to pushing the wheel of public works forward), for which we should thank the executive director of the locality of Shendi.
Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, executive director of the locality, also assured the issue of health education by spreading the culture of sophisticated treatment of the environment in order to protect it from all factors of environmental pollution.
Mr. Omar Ahmed Al-Sheikh, the village representative at the inauguration ceremony, after welcoming Mr. Moghaddam, the executive director, affirmed the new foundations adopted by the locality of Shendi to preserve the environment. For his part, he stressed that these measures express. the stability of administrative work despite the accursed war that our armed forces are waging with all their strength and capabilities.
Brother Omar Ahmed Al-Sheikh said that the environmental sanitation program is a vital and important program and is considered one of the fundamental issues related to human health.
Ms. Samia, the main health official of Shendi locality, also praised the environmental sanitation programs and did not forget to talk about water sanitation, the fight against malaria and a thorough survey of mosquito and fly breeding grounds.
He also highlighted the continuation of environmental sanitation campaigns and welcomed the partnership programs between government and popular agencies, believing that society is an essential partner in the assessment, reform and then realization of these vital projects.
Mr. Abu Bakr Adel, director of the administrative unit, confirmed the concern of his Kabushi administrative unit to implement all important programs on the ground and clean up the environment, which includes waste collection, the removal of mesquite trees and the elimination of all distortions that hinder environmental remediation programs. He highlighted his unit's commitment to the regular arrival of cleaning equipment and mechanisms as well as a salary.
Thanks and appreciation to Professor Khaled Abdel Ghaffar for his support of the sanitation initiative in Dim al-Qarai, which was carried out by a generous group of people from Dim al-Qarai in the country and abroad.
Thanks to the brothers of Deem Al-Qaray, led by brother Nimr Idris, who contributed to making the village of Deem Al-Qaray one of the first villages to receive the honor of a visit from the executive director of the locality of Shendi regarding environmental sanitation. project in the locality of Shendi.
May you stay safe and healthy
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