US Administration: Rapid Support is a Terrorist Organization – It's No Secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

The US administration declares Rapid Support militias to be a terrorist organization. Therefore, we can say that Rapid Support militias have become terrorists and all weapons are prohibited for them.
Heavy and light, and all the support staff quickly became
Terrorists too. Anyone who supports or cooperates with these militias is legally declared a terrorist. In other words, all media activists who support the militias are subject to international law that fights terrorism.
But let me congratulate the Sudanese diplomacy, represented by Mr. Al-Harith Idris, this courageous man who fought and fought for his homeland, Sudan, before the Security Council, and exposed the United Arab Emirates to the whole world as the one who supports these militias and the one who attacked me.
The free and proud people of Sudan have waged a proxy war against Sudan and its honourable people.
Sudan has recently begun to lose confidence in the US administration
But he did not sit idly by, turning to Russia, Iran and finally China, where His Excellency Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, visited.
It seems that the Sudanese diplomatic moves have been positive and have borne fruit in the return of the absence of the American administration which preferred to sacrifice the Rapid Support militias.
As a sacrifice to the United Arab Emirates, the first ally of the State of Israel, and to preserve its interests with the United Arab Emirates, the American administration is also trying
In an effort to prevent Russia, Iran and China from developing their relations with Sudan, the US administration not only classified the Rapid Support Militia as a terrorist organization, but also immediately ratified it.
One hundred million dollars to rebuild what was destroyed by the war.
All these reasons have pushed the American administration to renounce supporting the militias, in addition to these victories.
The successive Sudanese Armed Forces stand alongside the Sudanese Armed Popular Resistance and support the armed forces. Therefore, the Popular Resistance is clearly the voice of the Sudanese people, and therefore of America.
I considered supporting the Rapid Support militia or the Al Dagalo terrorist militia to be a losing card.
He preferred to sacrifice the Rapid Support militia and look after his own interests.
And the interests of the UAE, as well as those of America, sacrificed the so-called coordination (progress) and its employees.
The well-informed people of the Sudanese people
And those who are deprived by the Sudanese people without exception.
So let me extend my congratulations to the Sudanese Armed Forces, represented by the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, as well as my congratulations to the Security and Intelligence Service, the Special Action Forces, the Joint Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces and other regular forces, and I say to them: I salute you and give you great peace.
A special salute to the popular resistance that tipped the balance in favor of Sudanese diplomacy by standing up to the Sudanese people
In addition to its armed forces…
One army, one people against traitors and agents
Be careful…