White Nile Health Insurance signs contracts to restore health insurance services at Al-Dawim University Hospital

The Executive Health Insurance Administration, a branch of the White Nile State, today signed contracts at the administrative buildings in Kosti to restore health insurance services at Al-Dawim Hospital and at Al-Dawim Renal Hospital, in line with the arrangements recently made with Dr. Al-Zein Saad Adam, Minister of Health of the State, regarding the pricing of health insurance services in hospitals and health centers , and efforts to restore all health insurance services in hospitals, under the generous sponsorship of the state governor. White Nile State
This was in the presence of a number of department directors and department heads of the State Health Insurance Executive Administration.
Dr. Ayman Ahmed Mohamed Al-Jazouli, Executive Director of Health Insurance, White Nile State Branch, expressed joy at signing the restoration of health insurance services at Al-Dawim University Hospital and at the Al-Dawim ironing hospital announced to His Excellency. the citizens of Al-Dawim and White Nile State the restoration of services to the hospitals of Al-Dawim Hospital as the first gesture of the hospital administration, welcoming this effort and diligence of the officials of the hospital to complete the signing processes, through which it was agreed to launch health insurance services in hospitals on the ground next Sunday, so that it is concrete work for citizens and all workers. His Excellency wished for the safety and security of the country and its people. The signing is the beginning of the executive phase that followed the arrangements that were carried out with the Ministry of Health to determine the price of services provided by health insurance in hospitals and state health centers, highlighting that Bahr Abyad's health insurance is taking action. steps towards success and gradual return of health services, with the strong and appreciated support of the White Nile State Governor, Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, and the state government to continue the correction process by providing health services to citizens.
Furthermore, Dr. Musa Al-Majri, Deputy Director of Al-Duwaim Hospital and Director of Al-Duwaim Renal Hospital, expressed full satisfaction with this signing aimed at restoring health insurance services to hospital and at the Renal Hospital, welcoming the efforts of the Executive Directorate to improve health insurance services and restore their presence in health facilities in the state, he said, have ensured that signing these contracts provides health services to vulnerable segments.
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